Digital Transformation – The current present of companies

Digital Transformation – The current present of companies

The Digital era has transformed the world. It has changed businesses, organizational activities, processes, abilities, corporate competencies. Everything, to take full advantage of the changes and strategical opportunities offered by new technologies.

Digital transformation has brought many great changes due to the application of both technology and innovation in every aspect of society, business included, resulting in a much better and surprising progress. And these changes lead us to develop a digital transformation strategy more and more quickly. A digital transformation where optimization of the user experience, operational flexibility and innovation are the key components.

A digital transformation strategy aims to create the required capabilities to drive the possibilities and opportunities of new technologies in a faster and more agile, more innovative and efficient, simpler, better way. Its application requires an approach with a clear and well-defined roadmap that takes into account that the final goals will continue to evolve, because digital transformation, as innovation, is constantly changing.

This process is more than just the digitalization and adoption of new technologies. It means to design products and services able to change easily and to adapt to the new circumstances, as well as to anticipate the necessities of clients and users, that are increasingly more exigent and demanding. In a world constantly changing, it is vital for companies to have the skills of adapting themselves to those new situations. On top of having the technology required, they need to know how to use it and how to apply it to their business in order to stand among their competitors and lead their sectors, offering to their clients exactly what they are looking for.

Digital transformation affects to the organizational plans of a company, to its corporate culture, to the skills and talent of its professionals, to its executive leadership, to its policies and procedures. It is something that must be internalized from the top and permeate every level of the organization. Innovation and technology are the driving forces behind the digital transformation. But “digital” also implies people. Therefore, a successful digital transformation begins by changing the company’s corporate culture towards a more open efficient, willing to take risks, optimist, positive mentality.

The report “The digital culture challenge: closing the employee-leadership gap”, by the consultant Capgemini, points out the seven main attributes that companies need to have to achieve a successful digital corporate culture: innovation, client-centred strategy, decision-making based on facts, collaboration, open culture, digital mind (digital comes first), dynamism and flexibility to adapt themselves to changing situations.

In the digital era, if organizations don’t embrace the digital transformation not only they will not evolve, but they will simply die. Because digital transformation is not just the future. It is the present.
